Acupuncture in Pennsauken New Jersey
The Tao Clinic of Acupuncture is ideally located for patients seeking acupuncture in Pennsauken New Jersey. Our Marlton office is a short few minutes away, just off of NJ Route 73. We specialize in helping patients with a variety of ailments, including chronic and post-surgical pain, anxiety and depression, chronic fatigue, infertility, menopausal pain, Lyme disease and cancer. In our treatments, we offer a full spectrum of Chinese medicine services in addition to acupuncture.
The human body is a complex network of energy channels. If your body’s vital energy, known in Chinese as Qi, is moving in the wrong direction or is otherwise blocked or depleted, the result is illness and dysfunction. Acupuncture works to correct these abnormalities in human energy flow. For over 2,500 years, it has been widely used as a primary tool for relieving pain, healing from chronic diseases, and improvement of overall health. For patients suffering from chronic pain, acupuncture is a safe alternative method to potentially addictive painkillers and has no side effects.
The professional doctors at the Tao Clinic work to identify the root cause of your physical and emotional troubles, and treat them in a way the results in lasting health improvements. Our acupuncturists are certified practitioners of Chinese medicine techniques, and we treat your abnormalities through a holistic approach.
In addition to our skilled acupuncture treatments, our physicians assist you with lifestyle counseling, Chinese herbal remedies, acupressure and cupping to help you fully improve your health. Should your condition also require medical or surgical treatments, we work with your providers and employ acupuncture techniques that compliment your other treatments.
At the Tao Clinic, we take great pride in helping our patients return to a happy and productive life. Let us be your answer for acupuncture in Pennsauken New Jersey. Call our Marlton office today or use this form to request a free 15-minute consultation. We look forward to helping you lead a healthy life again too.