Acupuncture In Ardmore, PA
The Tao Clinic of Acupuncture is in an ideal location for residents seeking acupuncture in Ardmore, PA. Our facility in Bryn Mawr is short drive away, conveniently located on Haverford Road. We help patients suffering from a wide variety of physical and emotional ailments, including chronic and post-surgical pain, anxiety and depression, fatigue, infertility, menopause and much more. Our treatments include a full spectrum of healing remedies in addition to skilled acupuncture sessions.
Acupuncture is rooted in treating the flow through your body’s network of energy channels. Whenever that energy flow is disrupted or blocked, the result is illness, pain, and other bodily dysfunction. Acupuncture works to restore your body’s energy flow and correct these abnormalities. It has been used in Asian nations for over 2,500 years as the primary method of relieving pain, healing from disease, and improving overall human wellness. Acupuncture is safe and effective, and has none of the side effects of addictive painkillers.
When you schedule an appointment at the Tao Clinic, our professionals work to identify the root cause of your pain and suffering, and we form a plan to address them for lasting improvement. Our acupuncturists are all professional practitioners in Chinese medicine, and we use a holistic approach to treating your symptoms.
In addition to acupuncture treatments, we help you through lifestyle and dietary advice, herbal remedies, acupressure sessions and cupping techniques that help you to overcome your struggles and improve your overall well-being. Should your condition require medical treatment, we can work with your doctors and provide complimentary acupuncture techniques with your medical treatment.
At the Tao Clinic, we take pride in improving your overall health. Let us be your destination for acupuncture in Ardmore, PA. Contact our Bryn Mawr office today or use this form to schedule a free 15-minute consultation. We look forward to helping you lead a healthy and pain-free life again.