Acupuncture Clinic in Lower Marion
Find your acupuncture clinic in Lower Marion with the team at Tao. Acupuncture has been used by patients for years to alleviate stress, anxiety, and an array of diseases. It’s an integrative treatment that treats the root causes of diseases and the whole person. Our clinic takes pride in being a trusted partner of our patients on their journey to a healthy, happy, and productive life.
At The Tao Clinic of Acupuncture, our acupuncturists are Chinese medicine doctors who diagnose and treat physical and mental conditions holistically.
In addition to acupuncture treatment, we provide lifestyle and dietary counseling, Chinese herbal remedies, acupressure, and cupping to achieve long term health.
The treatment of acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin, disposal, stainless steel needles into the selected acupuncture points. A skilled acupuncturist can touch and regulate the body’s vital energy, through tactically manipulating the needles.
Jingduan Yang, MD, our leading physician, board-certified psychiatrist, foremost integrative medicine expert, and fifth-generation teacher and practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine, specializing in clinical acupuncture. The acupuncturists at the Tao Clinic are either Doctors or Masters of Acupuncture and Oriental Chinese Medicine trained in China or in the United States. Each of them has 10- 20 years of clinical experience.
Here are some of the outcomes our patients have experienced.
“Dr. Gong has treated me for a variety of chronic issues. She is knowledgeable, highly-skilled, thorough, kind and compassionate. She had helped me tremendously, particularly with pain management. She is an exceptional doctor and healer.”
“I started acupuncture because of fairly intractable neuropathic pain, which was the after-effect of long-term autoimmune disease. My results have been excellent after a period of visits to the Tao Clinic. My pain is much reduced and most times non-existent. I have been able to resume exercising. My mental well being is vastly improved.”
“My husband came in to Dr. Yang’s office in extreme neck pain, two years after neck surgery. The pain had gotten worse recently, to the point that he could hardly sleep. He had begun taking opioid medications and they were working less and less. One week after starting intensive acupuncture treatment, he felt nearly free.”
Make us your acupuncture clinic in Lower Marion by contacting us here.