Acupuncture Clinic in Haddonfield New Jersey
The Tao Clinic office in Marlton is conveniently based for residents in need of an acupuncture clinic in Haddonfield New Jersey. Our South Jersey location is minutes away from Haddonfield on Route 73, and we specialize in treating a variety of disorders, including chronic and post-surgical pain, anxiety and depression, fatigue, infertility, discomfort related to menopause, Lyme disease and cancer. Our treatments include a full spectrum of Chinese medicine remedies along with skilled acupuncture.
Your body and your health are affected by a complex network of energy channels. When your vital energy (known as “Qi” in Chinese) is misdirected or blocked, illness and bodily dysfunction is the result. The primary goal of acupuncture is to correct and guide your body’s Qi.
For over 2,500 years, acupuncture has been the primary method of medicinal treatment in Asian nations, for relieving pain, healing from diseases, and improving overall well-being. It is safe and effective, and has none of the side effects involved with prescription painkillers.
Our professional physicians are focused on finding the root cause of your physical and emotional symptoms, and treating them using methods that bring lasting results. The acupuncturists at Tao are certified practitioners of Chinese medicine, and we use a holistic approach to treat your body’s abnormal symptoms.
In addition to acupuncture treatments, we provide dietary and lifestyle counseling, herbal remedies, acupressure and cupping treatments that fully improve your overall health. If your condition also requires medical or surgical treatments, we can work with your provider to compliment those treatments.
At the Tao Clinic, we take pride in helping our patients live pain- and stress-free lives again. Let us be your destination for an acupuncture clinic in Haddonfield New Jersey. Call our Marlton office today, or request a free 15-minute consultation using this form. We look forward to helping you overcome your struggles as well.