Acupuncture Clinic in Haverford, PA
The Tao Clinic of Acupuncture is in a convenient location for residents seeking an acupuncture clinic in Haverford, PA. Our Bryn Mawr location is just a few short minutes away on Haverford Road, and our office specializes in helping patients heal from chronic pain, anxiety, depression, fatigue, infertility and much more. Our established acupuncture experts offer a complete spectrum of Chinese medicine, from skilled acupuncture to medicinal remedies.
Your health and well-being are affected through your body’s network of energy channels. Whenever your vital energy (known as “Qi” in Chinese) becomes depleted or blocked, the result is bodily dysfunction, illness, and physical pain. Acupuncture helps to correct these abnormalities and restore your body’s energy flow. Asian nations have employed acupuncture for over 2,500 years as a tool for pain relief, healing from diseases, and improving human health. Acupuncture is safe and effective, with none of the side effects of medications and pain killers.
At the Tao Clinic in Bryn Mawr, we identify the root causes of your struggles, and we regulate your body’s energy to correct the problems and promote lasting health. All of our acupuncturists are professional Chinese medicine practitioners, and we use a holistic approach to your treatment and improving your well-being.
Along with our acupuncture services, we assist and advice you with dietary and lifestyle counseling, herbal remedies, acupressure and cupping, all of which works to improve your overall health. If you require additional medical services, we work with your healthcare providers and use techniques that compliment surgical and medical treatments.
At the Tao Clinic, we take pride in helping you return to a happy, healthy, and productive life. Let us be your destination for an acupuncture clinic in Haverford, PA. Call our Bryn Mawr office today, or use this form to request a free 15-minute consultation. We can help you lead a healthier life again.