Acupuncture Clinic Near Saint Joseph’s University
Try our acupuncture clinic near Saint Joseph’s University today. Acupuncture is a long time practice that involves tapping into the energy channels of the body. The Tao Clinic practices acupuncture as an integrative part of Chinese medicine that treats the root causes of diseases and the whole person. Located at 1608 Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA, the Bryn Mawr office specializes in helping patients with pain, anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, infertility, menopausal discomfort, Lyme disease, and cancer.
The acupuncturists at the Tao Clinic are either Doctors or Masters of Acupuncture and Oriental Chinese Medicine trained in China or in the United States. Each of them has 10- 20 years of clinical experience. The team is headed by Jingduan Yang, MD. Dr. Yang’s knowledge is the culmination of 40 years of training, teaching, and clinical experience in the fundamentals of Chinese medicine and integrative medicine, coupled with a distinguished education at prestigious medical universities from all around the world.
His modalities include:
- Integrative Psychiatry
- Chinese Medicine
- Acupuncture
- Advanced Nutrient Therapy
- Functional Medicine
Testimonials of Our Acupuncture Clinic Near Saint Joseph’s University
“After receiving weekly acupuncture and herbal treatments, almost immediately I have seen a difference. Overall, in about 4 weeks, the pain lessened, and in about 9 months the pain was almost gone. My experience with acupuncture was spectacular: the elimination of pain and my general health is much better, and physically more sure of myself.”
“I started acupuncture because of fairly intractable neuropathic pain, which was the after-effect of long-term autoimmune disease. My results have been excellent after a period of visits to the Tao Clinic. My pain is much reduced and most times non-existent. I have been able to resume exercising. My mental well being is vastly improved.”
“Dr. Gong has treated me for a variety of chronic issues. She is knowledgeable, highly-skilled, thorough, kind and compassionate. She had helped me tremendously, particularly with pain management. She is an exceptional doctor and healer.”
Use our contact form here to reach our acupuncture clinic near St. Joseph’s University today, and we’ll be sure to touch base with you soon!