Acupuncture in Narberth
Our facility offers acupuncture in Narberth for clients who are seeking alternative methods to heal and find harmony. We’ve seen many people turn to acupuncture to remedy stress, anxiety, and mental struggles without using prescriptions to get results. At Tao, we take the ancient teachings of Chinese medicine and mesh them with the data of Western practices to give clients better options and higher chances of achieving happiness.
The Tao Clinic of Acupuncture treats the root causes of diseases and the whole person. We specialize in helping patients with pain, chronic fatigue, infertility, menopausal discomfort, Lyme disease, and cancer. The body’s vital energy flows inside and around the energy channels that form a comprehensive energy network. This network is known as meridians. We use meridians as a path to finding better energy.
Acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of very thin, disposal, stainless steel needles into selected acupuncture points. Through tactically manipulating the needles, a skilled acupuncturist can touch and regulate the body’s vital energy. Patients that come to us are in the skilled and educated hands of specialists with world-class coaching. Most of what you will experience will involve tapping into your different energy channels. Each of them has 10- 20 years of clinical experience. They are further trained and certified at the Yang Institute of Integrative Medicine for integrative medicine.
Our dedicated providers have been assisting people under the tutelage of Dr. Yang. Jingduan Yang, MD, is a leading physician, board-certified psychiatrist, foremost integrative medicine expert, and fifth-generation teacher and practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine, specializing in clinical acupuncture.
Our success stories have testimonies from those with migraine issues, post-surgery pain, and a litany of other ailments. Schedule your time to get quality acupuncture in Narberth. We’ll be happy to help.