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Author Archives: vlm

An Alternative to Dangerous Opioids

“My husband came in to Dr. Yang’s office in extreme neck pain, two years after neck surgery. The pain had gotten worse recently, to the point that he could hardly sleep. He had begun taking opioid medications and they were working less and less. One week after starting intensive acupuncture treatment, he felt nearly free of pain, with his pain level going down from 7 to 2. We are both amazed with his improvement, and he’s going to continue at the level of  treatment Dr. Yang recommends.”

A Veteran’s Story – Released Pain and Cut the Use of Pain Killers

“Dr. Gong, Qinhua, LAc is awesome! I’m a veteran with several issues. Instead of only taking the pain killers, which I have done for several years, this is awesome! Working through the VA hurdles to have this treatment done is worth it, for me.

I would recommend this place to veterans, and families over and over! I cannot say enough about holistic medicine! ”

Beth Kress’s Story – Pain

“I feel right at home when going to the Yang Institute. The staff is friendly and knowledgeable. If they don’t understand or have an issue with my Veterans benefits, they ask for my assistance. They let me know when they’re going to apply for a new referral or if they are having issues receiving a new referral. Dr. Gong is very smart and understanding. She listens to your concerns, asks about your pain and any other health issues and stressors. She makes sure you’re comfortable. …” -August 20, 2019

KD Washington’s Story

“Dr. Gong, Qinhua, LAc is awesome! I’m a veteran with several issues. Instead of only taking the pain killers, which I have done for several years this is awesome! Working through the VA hurdles to have this treatment done is worth it, for me. I would recommend this place to veterans and families over and over! I cannot say enough about holistic medicine! Rebecca at the front desk is outstanding. She will assist with getting the information to you and works to make sure your insurance is well informed. Some private insurance will cover acupuncture!
Rebecca at the front desk is outstanding, she will assist with getting the information to you and works to make sure your insurance is well informed. ” (April 23, 2019)

Jill’s Story

“I came to Yang Institute because of my conditions of PTSD, drug addiction, depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. I couldn’t leave my home due to excessive anxiety; I couldn’t function in the world. I suffered sadness, despair, insomnia, fits of rage. I have been a patient of Yang Institute for the past three yrs. I was treated at Yang for Acupuncture, talk therapy and medications on and off for 3yrs. Now my mood has lifted, anxiety has lessened, my depression has lessened, overall better health, sleep has improved. Dr. Yang is the most wonderful man I have ever met. He is brilliant, insightful and kind. It has been one of the best experiences of my life. Dr. Yang and Dr. Gong each have the patients’ best interests at heart. Just keep doing what you are doing.”

John’s Story

“I started smoking when I was 13 and currently I am 57 years old. I was a heavy smoker and smoked approximately one pack a day. I quit smoking in 1993 with acupuncture and was able to keep smoke free for 9 years. Then the addiction came back. I then tried everything, Chantix, hypnosis. but nothing worked. My health suffered, and I coughed a lot.

On 3/27/2019, I started seeing Dr. Gong at the Yang Institute of Integrative Medicine / Tao Clinic of Acupuncture. I saw her 3 times during the first week. She told me she was preparing me for quitting by cleaning my lungs and strengthening my lung’s energy. She also gave me an ear acupuncture. During the 1st week, I spit up a lot of black stuff. I believe it was a sign that my lungs were being cleansed. On my 5th visit, Dr. Gong told me that I was ready to stop smoking. That was 4/3/2019. After this visit I only had a few cigarettes left in my pack, so, on my way out of her office, I threw the pack of cigarettes in the trash. When I got back into my car to drive home, the smell of the smoke in my car made me so nauseous that I had to drive with the windows open. I even had to stop at the local car dealership to replace the cabin filter inside the car. The smell of the smoke made me feel very nauseous. I have been smoking free since. It’s been 4 weeks.

Now I feel better, my breathing score improved from 1000 ml to over 2500 ml. I can walk for 30 minutes.” -May 2019

C.D.’s Story, A Story from a Veteran Deployed in Iraq)

“First I would like to thank Dr. Yang and his staff as they have been very professional and also treated me like I was family. I came to Dr. Yang after the VA had diagnosed me with TBI from my deployment in Iraq. Dr. Yang came up with a treatment plan. Within the 1st week, I was able to get a full night’s rest without taking any drugs, it had been 9 yrs since I could sleep well. After a few weeks, I noticed significant improvements with my grades in school, and I was feeling significantly happier.” – C.D in Wyncote, PA | 09/19/2016

Christine’s Story

“Does this sound familiar? You fall asleep easily, but wake up in the middle of the night. Your mind is racing… Thoughts begin to spin out of control. After dealing with insomnia for over 20 years, I can honestly say it’s not an issue. I feel great, I’m sleeping better than ever and I have Dr.Yang to thank for this phenomenal change in my life.

I’ve tried everything! Sleeping pills worked for a number of years but I felt as if I were losing mental clarity. Dr. Yang put me in touch with myself on a deeper more natural level. He used a multi-tiered approach, diet, supplements, acupuncture and good old-fashioned conversation to get to the root of my problem. We figured it out together.

For so many years I would go to my doctor, relay my symptoms and walk out with a new prescription. Nothing worked to rid me of my ongoing problem with insomnia; the drugs only masked the overlying issue. I decided it was time to get off the hamster wheel and began investigating Integrative Medicine. Thankfully, a good friend recommended Dr. Yang.

So many of us feel we have to try the latest and greatest ideas in medicine but what we really need is to reach back into the past, were treating the entire patient was paramount. For me, traditional Chinese medicine proved to be the answer: Mind, Body and Spirit.
In a short time, I’ve been seeing Dr. Yang and his associate Dr. Zhang, my life has become calmer, my mind sharper and my creatively more abounding. The food fueling my body is energizing me and the supplements are helping my digestion, not to mention a myriad of other concerns.

By taking time to focus on myself, I feel my quality of life has improved and this small journey to overcome a big problem has been worth the effort. I hope these words encourage you to take the next steps forward to solving your problems. Your life can get better. Mine did.” -Feb. 2013

Jun T.’s Story

“When I first met Dr. Yang and Dr. Zhang in the middle of October 2017, I was struggling with depression that resulted from my previous three early miscarriages (at week 5/6) in six years, with unspecified reasons. Dr. Yang conducted a biochemical test and prescribed me medicine for depression, and Dr. Zhang conducted acupuncture and gave me Chinese herb medicines for mood relaxation and health, which helped a lot. Within just a few days, I do feel I have a better mood, better sleep, less stress, and less hair loss. I continued to drive one hour to see Dr. Zhang once a week for acupuncture and herb medicines. She was very patient and caring. She listens and responds. In early December I found myself pregnant! Dr. Zhang stopped my herb medicines but continued with weekly acupuncture. She adjusted the way she put needles every week according to my body situation. With her careful treatment, I am now 14 weeks in my pregnancy! Many thanks to Dr. Zhang and Dr. Yang for their care. I would highly recommend Yang Institute and Dr. Yang and Dr. Zhang to those who suffer from similar losses. Give yourself some time and give Yang Institute a chance to help you, maybe you would also experience a miracle as I did. Thank you, Dr. Zhang, and Thank you, Dr. Yang! Good luck to those who read my review! Hope you find a solution to your problem.” – March 13, 2018

Norma Karmali, a fashion designer in New York (in an interview by Harper’s BAZAAR Magazine

“I had heard about acupuncture face-lift and now I came to Dr. Jingduan Yang every week. People see the difference in my neck and my face and I think it’s the total results of Dr. Yang on all of my organs and circulation. It all comes together to create a better result.”

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