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Author Archives: vlm

Pam’s Story

“Now in my mid-fifties, I came to the Tao Clinic because I wanted to do something more for my health and well-being than just my regular gym workouts and annual physical, and I had heard wonderful things about Dr. Yang. I had recently finished an exciting but stressful four-year film project, and Dr. Yang first suggested that we focus on reducing my anxiety and stress level; following his proposal of dietary changes and supplements, I felt much calmer. I also started a series of acupuncture treatments that immediately alleviated a sinus problem, and gave me more energy. And I discovered an unexpected “bonus” when friends began telling me my skin was glowing and I looked younger. I’m so pleased with how the acupuncture treatments with Dr. Yang and Jaesun Yoo have improved my facial skin tone that I’ve discontinued my usual quarterly visits to the dermatologist for botox and fillers. It has been a wonderful, mind-opening experience and an important step towards healthy aging.”

Rosalyn’s Story

“Originally I came because I was having a re-occurrence of pain from adhesions due to a previous operation due to my Chron’s disease. I had heard about cosmetic acupuncture and the idea that I could do it without any cutting or any kind of damaging to my skin was very appealing and I believe in acupuncture so I wanted to try it. After about 7 or 8 treatments, I noticed the tone of my skin changed and it looked much brighter and clearer and it was just really nice.

The overall experience was very comfortable and very enjoyable. Dr. Gong listens to my questions carefully and gives me very thoughtful answers and I have complete confidence in her. I continue to do the treatment every once in a while. I would say the results have lasted for months. Other people noticed a big difference in my appearance as well. I get comments from all over.”

Rachel’s Story

“I have had many years of persistent anxiety and depression since I was 12 years old. I’ve also gone through several tough times along the way including losing a parent to cancer. My life was affected by depression and anxiety drastically. At times, I was unable to leave my home. I missed a lot of experiences as a teenager and a young adult. Medication to help ease anxiety and depression had made me feel terribly worse. TMS was my last hope and all the people at Yang made me feel very comfortable during my treatment. I’ve made almost a full recovery and am beyond pleased with the care I have received.

The TMS went a lot better than I had expected. (There was) minimal discomfort and overall pretty easy to tolerate. My mood, mentality, and everything changed to a much more positive feeling. I feel very confident and much happier now. My family and friends noticed I smile much more with a happy glow to me. I now can finally see myself serving a good purpose. I used to view myself as a wasting away soul. Life is worth living.

At Yang Integrative Medicine/New Jersey TMS Center, that as a patient, I once felt cared for and not like a lab rat. To be listened to and treated like a family member was one thing I really enjoyed from here. That Zen vibe of Yang that just follows me from the moment I leave. “

Alex’s Story

“I was initially seen by Dr. Jingduan Yang in his Jefferson Hospital office. Dr. Yang came out and greeted me personally and invited me to come into his office. During the next hour, he patiently listened to me, taking notes and asking questions related to the problem I was experiencing. As a new patient, I felt at ease. I did not feel rushed, which was very important to me. Upon deciding on the course of treatment Dr. Yang invited me to the Acupuncture procedure room with a nice, relaxing and pleasant atmosphere. The experience of Acupuncture was entirely new to me and was nothing like I ever experienced before. Prior to administering each needle, Dr.Yang explained to me the sensation I would fee. At times it felt as if the cool water was flowing through my body, with a pleasant and relaxing effect. Other times I would feel a tingling sensation. After a while, I began feeling very relaxed and calm. As a new patient, I feel very encouraged and hopeful of the eventual success of my treatment.”

Jill’s Story

“I came to Yang Institute because of my conditions of PTSD, drug addiction, depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. I couldn’t leave my home due to excessive anxiety; I couldn’t function in the world. I suffered sadness, despair, insomnia, fits of rage. I have been a patient of Yang Institute for the past three yrs. I was treated at Yang for Acupuncture, talk therapy and medications on and off for 3yrs. Now my mood has lifted, anxiety has lessened, my depression has lessened, overall better health, sleep has improved. Dr. Yang is the most wonderful man I have ever met. He is brilliant, insightful and kind. It has been one of the best experiences of my life. Dr. Yang and Dr. Gong each have the patients’ best interests at heart. Just keep doing what you are doing.”

Sarah’s Story

“As a 38-year-old woman wanting to get pregnant with my first, I decided to give acupuncture a try to give my fertility a boost. I read about Dr. Yang in a magazine article and researched his profile online. Based on his wonderful reputation, I decided to give Yang Integrative Medicine a try. Dr. Yang even exceeded his reputation as a highly caring medical professional who takes time with the overall assessment of each patient’s health, emotionally and physically. I felt both relaxed and energized after treatments, and I am delighted to say that after only four acupuncture treatments, I became pregnant! I am thrilled and will continue to go to Dr. Yang for treatments to support the pregnancy and my general health. While I went to Dr. Yang for fertility, the treatments encompassed a range of issues including anxiety and even some facial acupuncture at my request. I highly recommend Dr. Yang and the Yang-Integrative Institute to women thinking about getting pregnant. Whether there is a fertility issue or not, this is a terrific way to ensure optimal health for yourself and your baby.”

Elizabeth’s Story

“I suffered from severe hot flashes. To describe them…you could fry an egg on my back. That’s how hot I would feel. I was constantly hot and sweaty, I even had night sweats. I tried everything that on the market that might help; anything I could get my hands on. Nothing worked until I came to the Tao Clinic at Yang Institute of Integrative Medicine for treatment with Dr. Yang. After 12 treatments of acupuncture and herbs, the hot flashes started to go away. And now it’s been a year and it’s like I don’t even have them anymore. Acupuncture and herbal medicine have also helped with the pain in my hands from carpal tunnel syndrome, my bowel movements are more regular, and a mole that was on the center of my back has completely disappeared. Acupuncture makes me feel good. After treatment, the experience leaves me so relaxed, and like there’s light energy around me. I feel like I’m floating when I leave Dr. Yang’s office. I’ve recommended the services at the Tao Institute to a lot of people. I know some people are apprehensive about trying something that seems new and typically unconventional, but I was at the point where I had to try it and the results were outstanding.

Mary’s Story

“Dr. Zhang has helped me manage menopause! I came to her quite distraught, as suddenly, with the onset of menopause, my lifelong healthy habits no longer seemed to apply to my aging body. Now, I feel well-balanced and once again in command of myself.

To all my middle-aged sisters: if you feel that your body is suddenly not your own; if you’re sleeping poorly; if you’re eating less and gaining weight; if you’re struggling to focus your attention; if hot flashes disrupt your daily life; go see Dr. Zhang.

Using acupuncture and a single herbal remedy, she has eased all my symptoms. My weight gain has stopped, I’m sleeping through the night, my hot flashes have all but disappeared, and I feel able to focus on energy and enthusiasm. I highly recommend Dr. Zhang for the treatment of menopausal symptoms.” -Mary S, Ardmore, PA

MB Scallen’s Story

“Dr. Zhang has helped me manage menopause! I came to her quite distraught, as suddenly, with the onset of menopause, my lifelong healthy habits no longer seemed to apply to my aging body. Now, I feel well-balanced and once again in command of myself. To all my middle-aged sisters: if you feel that your body is suddenly not your own; if you’re sleeping poorly; if you’re eating less and gaining weight; if you’re struggling to focus your attention; if hot flashes disrupt your daily life; go see Dr. Zhang. Using acupuncture and a single herbal remedy, she has eased all my symptoms. My weight gain has stopped, I’m sleeping through the night, my hot flashes have all but disappeared, and I feel able to focus on energy and enthusiasm. I highly recommend Dr. Zhang for the treatment of menopausal symptoms.” -August 15, 2018

LaVera S’s Story

In December of 2014, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. A few years prior to this, I was made aware of the healing properties of acupuncture through the experience of my daughter getting her Masters in acupuncture. Acupuncture is a holistic healing method and can be used in conjunction with any diagnosis. With this knowledge, I knew I was going to request as many treatments as possible to strengthen me and take me through the chemotherapy process.

At the time of diagnosis, I was introduced to a women’s group called Unite For Her. This group made it possible to meet my current acupuncturist Ruonan Zhang of the Yang Institute of Integrative Medicine. My acupuncturist studied my case comments and administered the treatment that fit my personal issues.

I have experienced great relief from the chemo side effects of nausea, neuropathy, and I was able to continue working full time and doing things I enjoy, like cleaning and yoga. Now, seven months after being diagnosed, I am cancer free! This has been a life-changing experience, and I am grateful for all the support I received.

Thank you Yang Institute.

– LaVera S. BCS

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