Feel Better and Look Younger After Facial Acupuncture
Norma Karmali, a fashion designer in New York (in an interview by Harper’s BAZAAR Magazine
“I had heard about acupuncture face-lift and now I came to Dr. Jingduan Yang every week. People see the difference in my neck and my face and I think it’s the total results of Dr. Yang on all of my organs and circulation. It all comes together to create a better result.”
Read More....Pam’s Story
“Now in my mid-fifties, I came to the Tao Clinic because I wanted to do something more for my health and well-being than just my regular gym workouts and annual physical, and I had heard wonderful things about Dr. Yang. I had recently finished an exciting but stressful four-year film project, and Dr. Yang first […]
Read More....Rosalyn’s Story
“Originally I came because I was having a re-occurrence of pain from adhesions due to a previous operation due to my Chron’s disease. I had heard about cosmetic acupuncture and the idea that I could do it without any cutting or any kind of damaging to my skin was very appealing and I believe in […]
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