Cinnaminson, NJ Acupuncture Clinic
The Tao Clinic of Acupuncture is conveniently based for residents in search of a Cinnaminson, NJ acupuncture clinic. Our South Jersey location is just a few minutes away, on NJ Route 73 in Marlton. Our acupuncture and Chinese medicine healing treatments are available to residents throughout the area.
Tao Clinic offers healing remedies to patients suffering from a wide variety of physical and emotional ailments. We see patients who are dealing with chronic pain due to illness or injury, overcome with anxiety and depression from stress, struggling with female-related health problems, or are suffering from infertility or digestive troubles.
When patients come to Tao Clinic, our goal is to correct bodily dysfunction through properly channeling the body’s energy flow, known in Chinese as Qi. In your body, the energy channels form a network of meridians, which react to your environment. As your Qi becomes blocked or depleted, the results are inability to function, illness, and bodily pain.
We work with you to pinpoint the root cause of your energy blockages, and provide you with a holistic healing plan that includes acupuncture treatments, lifestyle and dietary counseling, and Chinese herbal remedies that help regulate your energy flow, overcome your ailments and live a healthier life again.
At Tao Clinic, our acupuncturists are all experienced and certified professionals. They are either licensed physicians or Masters of Acupuncture and Oriental Chinese medicine, and have been certified in China or here in the U.S. Our practitioners are also certified by the Yang Institute of Integrative Medicine, and have been practicing for over ten years. In our years of practice, we have successfully treated many patients just like you, with struggles just like yours.
If you’d like to learn more about why Tao should be your choice for a Cinnaminson, NJ acupuncture clinic, use this form to request a free 15-minute consultation. See how Tao can help you overcome your struggles and live a happier and healthier life.