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Author Archives: vlm

Richa’s Story

I am a patient with Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer. I have been going to Dr. Ruonan Zhang for over a year now. She has helped me a great deal in treating my side effects from chemo for my cancer. I have been on chemo for over a year now and with Dr. Zhang’s caring and skilled acupuncture treatment, Dr. Zhang has been absolutely wonderful in treating any issues I bring to her attention. She is very kind, attentive listener, and knowledgeable. I am very thankful for the treatment and care she has provided me.”

Dorothy’s Story

“I’ve been seeing Dr. Ruonan Zhang, a cancer specialist at Yang Institute, for the past 4 months for acupuncture treatments, herbal supplements, and medicinal teas for my metastatic cervical cancer. The various treatments she’s administering are helping me greatly in handling this second round of chemotherapy treatment. I have a lot more energy, good appetite, restful sleep, and much pain relief.I’m very grateful to Dr. Zhang. She’s an excellent doctor. She’s kind, caring, reassuring, and attentive.”

Olga’s Story

“My name is Olga Dakota, and I’ve been Dr. Jingduan Yang’s patient for 2 years. I have had Stage 4 Breast Cancer for the past 4 years. Since my treatment by Dr. Yang, of the Tao Institute, I have had no fluids on my lungs – something conventional medicine could not stop. I now have good energy, a good appetite and I sleep well. I am very grateful for everything he and Dr. Ruonan Zhang are doing.”

Tom’s Story

“As a 63-year-old man, I have suffered from migraine headaches since the 7th grade.II was actually afraid when these headaches would come because they hurt so badly I thought I had a serious brain tumor. The doctor at that time said they were from sinus and also that I may need glasses. As I grew older and in high school, my headaches got worse.

When I got my headaches I would have to go to bed. I needed to get out of lighted areas. I used to put hot towels on my head and close the blinds to make the room dark. For the remainder of my life, I got one of these dreadful headaches every month! In June this year, Dr.Yang of Yang Institute began to treat my headaches with acupuncture. I really did not think it would work but I thought “why not try it!” Dr.Yang has also helped to control my Bi-polar with acupuncture and believe me it works.

Now my headaches are gone. This has been the first summer in my life that has been migraine free. ”

The Pappas Family

“Our son has been suffering from chronic headaches/migraines from the age of six. He would be sick at times, four to five days a week. We often carried him off soccer fields, left Disney parks. Over the past five years, we have attempted traditional medicine, seeing everyone from neurologists, ophthalmologists, neuro-ophthalmologists, allergists, and chiropractors. He was even placed on blood pressure medicine at the age of seven. We attempted a holistic doctor, multiple supplements, and different specialized diets including gluten-free. Unfortunately, nothing provided him with relief.

After exhausting what we thought were the most obvious doctors and treatments, we decided to take him for acupuncture. Concluding the very first visit with Lynne, Christopher got off the table and exclaimed, “I have never felt better in my life!” For the next two days, our child never lost his smile and continually expressly how good he felt. The weight of the world had been lifted from all of us when he said, “I think this is the help I need. I think this is it. Each day I feel great!” With unbelievable appreciation, humility and gratefulness, we can’t thank you enough for giving our son his childhood back. He now plays hard like the other kids without having to be carried home because he is in so much pain. He now has normal sleepovers with friends without getting sick… He now can finish his baseball games without having to be taken off the field. He now completes his homework without having to take a nap when he is done. Although he has had a few headaches since beginning treatment, they are not as often and nothing near what they were in severity. We are confident that with time and dedication to treatment, Christopher will be able to continue his “new normal” life. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for bringing relief and health to our son!”

Sarah’s Story

“My experience with the Yang Institute has been very positive and has had a great impact on my life. I received acupuncture to treat my migraines after all the prescribed medicines did nothing to help. The number of migraines I got decreased considerably after starting acupuncture. I was very happy with the results.”

Francesca’s Story

Dr. Ruonan Zhang has been my savior. I had a chronic case of Sciatica and Piriformis syndrome that causes me to experience excruciating and unyielding pain for over a year and a half. During this time, I had two steroid shots within six months of each other, went to massage therapy, physical therapy and continued working with my wonderful chiropractor gaining only temporary and intermittent relief. I then read about acupuncture and decided to give it a try.

UNBELIEVABLE…it worked!!! Dr. Zhang told me I would come for ten sessions. After each session, the degree and location of the pain began to change. I was finding relief…and by session ten, I no longer had piriformis pain. Gone!!! I cannot tell you how and what she did, exactly, but intuitively I knew what she was doing each week was healing. Oh, and she cured my shoulder pain as a bonus! Given that I have a history of chronic back pain, I continue to go every two weeks. I can actually say the relief I feel is something I never thought would be possible.

Dr. Zhang is a pro and a very professional Doctor, a doctor who has healing hands!!!”

Lisa’s Story

“I came to Tao because I had a lot of pain and Fibromyalgia. I haven’t found anybody to help it go away. I was diagnosed in 2003 with Fibromyalgia. I had a lot of Charlie Horses, Muscle Spasms, Joint Pain, and soreness on my skin. Other Doctors were putting me on a lot of different kinds of medication. I was having reactions to them. Then I went to Jefferson and had the Bee Vernon which was helping but it was not as long-lasting as I have now. My experience with Tao has been awesome; it gave me my life back. Before the treatment I was bedridden. Now I have some bad days but not like before; when it is rainy out or I don’t pay attention. Maybe once in a blue moon, I’ll have excruciating pain, but now it is tolerable now. I feel better about myself emotionally. I have more energy and I am happier. Also when I come here I do not feel like another number. I feel like a friend, a person, a human being.”

Lenice Balier’s Story

“I was fortunate to hear Edmund Gibson at one of his Seminars. I was so impressed. I booked on for 3 treatments. My health history has been years of depression, aching muscles and a foggy head (never clear). I hadn’t laughed in a very long time. After the 1st treatment, I was able to get out of bed without the usual struggle. After the 2nd treatment, the pain (was) gone and more exciting – it was so nice to laugh again. After the 3rd treatment, I feel “So good”. “Oh, how I wish I had met this wonderful man years ago, why did I need to wait till I was 75 years old.” -14/5/15

Debbie’s Story on Chronic Pain

“Dr. Gong has treated me for a variety of chronic issues. She is knowledgeable, highly-skilled, thorough, kind and compassionate. She had helped me tremendously, particularly with pain management. She is an exceptional doctor and healer.” – Aug 02, 2019

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