Bryn Mawr, PA - 215-544-3149 Marlton, NJ - 856-259-3521 Phildelphia, PA - 215-600-0062 Request Appointment

The Pappas Family

“Our son has been suffering from chronic headaches/migraines from the age of six. He would be sick at times, four to five days a week. We often carried him off soccer fields, left Disney parks. Over the past five years, we have attempted traditional medicine, seeing everyone from neurologists, ophthalmologists, neuro-ophthalmologists, allergists, and chiropractors. He was even placed on blood pressure medicine at the age of seven. We attempted a holistic doctor, multiple supplements, and different specialized diets including gluten-free. Unfortunately, nothing provided him with relief.

After exhausting what we thought were the most obvious doctors and treatments, we decided to take him for acupuncture. Concluding the very first visit with Lynne, Christopher got off the table and exclaimed, “I have never felt better in my life!” For the next two days, our child never lost his smile and continually expressly how good he felt. The weight of the world had been lifted from all of us when he said, “I think this is the help I need. I think this is it. Each day I feel great!” With unbelievable appreciation, humility and gratefulness, we can’t thank you enough for giving our son his childhood back. He now plays hard like the other kids without having to be carried home because he is in so much pain. He now has normal sleepovers with friends without getting sick… He now can finish his baseball games without having to be taken off the field. He now completes his homework without having to take a nap when he is done. Although he has had a few headaches since beginning treatment, they are not as often and nothing near what they were in severity. We are confident that with time and dedication to treatment, Christopher will be able to continue his “new normal” life. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for bringing relief and health to our son!”

Marlton, NJ

Marlton, NJ

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Bryn Mawr, PA

Bryn Mawr, PA

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Philadelphia, PA

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