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What Conditions Can Be Treated With Acupuncture?

What Conditions Can Be Treated With Acupuncture?

Acupuncture promotes the body’s innate healing abilities and helps to reestablish the body’s natural state of balance, make it a safe, chemical-free alternative for relief from many of today’s most common health complaints.

Acupuncture can be used to help treat pain-related conditions, such as:

  •  headaches and migraines
  •  shoulder and neck pain
  •  lower back pain
  •  hip and knee pain
  •  sciatic nerve pain
  •  arthritis
  •  sports injuries
  •  post surgery pain

It can be used to help relieve stress and reduce anxiety, fertility support, gynecological health, cancer support and healthy aging.

Rather than only treating your symptoms, acupuncture addresses the root cause of your health issues to help you find lasting relief. This holistic perspective makes acupuncture great for preventative care as well.

Call today for your free 15 minute consultation and learn more about acupuncture at the Tao Clinic of Acupuncture can help you.

How Does Acupuncture Work?

How Does Acupuncture Work?

The function and life of human beings depend on the abundance and balance of bio-energy, which is also called Qi. The air we breathe and the food we eat supply the body with bio-energy, which circulates and is distributed to the entire body through energetic channels that are as invisible as the air.

These energetic channels have openings on the surface of the body, and stimulating them with acupuncture needles will help correct energetic imbalances that cause physical and mental dysfunction.

The treatment of acupuncture involves insertion of very thin, disposal, stainless steel needles into the selected acupuncture points. Through tactically manipulating the needles, a skilled acupuncturist is able to touch and regulate the body’s vital energy.

Acupuncture Treatment increases the production of endorphins (your body’s natural pain killer), increases blood circulation, reduces inflammation and the reception of pain signals to the brain.

It takes multiple sessions to generate significant results even though one may feel the improvement after the first few sessions. Each session takes about 30 to 60 minutes depending on the complexity of the conditions.

For over 2,500 years, acupuncture has been used widely in Asia as the primary medical technique for relieving pain, healing chronic diseases, and improving general health.

Schedule an appointment today to learn more about how acupuncture can help you.

4 Reasons Why You Should Choose Acupuncture

4 Reasons Why You Should Choose Acupuncture
  1. Acupuncture is a holistic therapy
    Acupuncture is a therapeutic modality that involves the insertion and manipulation of flexible, hair-thin needles at specific points on the body. In addition to acupuncture treatment, your acupuncturist has been trained in a wide variety of holistic therapies. Your comprehensive treatment plan may incorporate other modalities including acupressure, cupping, moxibustion, and Chinese herbal medicine.
  2. Experience Personalized Care
    There are many causes of pain and illness, and everyone experiences pain differently. Your Acupuncturist will listen carefully to your concerns and conduct a comprehensive evaluation and detailed health history to understand your particular situation. Your treatment plan will be tailored to your individual needs and continually adjusted base on your response to treatment. The benefits of acupuncture are cumulative, but in most cases, you will begin to feel relief after just a few sessions.
  3. It’s a chemical free alternative.
    Acupuncture promotes the body’s innate healing abilities and helps to reestablish the body’s natural state of balance, make it a safe, chemical-free alternative for relief from many of today’s most common health complaints. For many patients, the benefits of acupuncture are long-lasting, making it more affordable than conventional treatment as well.
  4. Address the root cause of your health issues
    Rather than only treating your symptoms, acupuncture addresses the root cause of your health issues to help you find lasting relief. This holistic perspective makes acupuncture great for preventative care as well.

Many people receive acupuncture on a regular basis to reduce stress and anxiety, balance mood, improve athletic performance, correct small disturbance such as stomach troubles and seasonal allergies, strengthen the immune system, and improve overall well-being.

Acupuncturist’s goal is to help you achieve optimum health and wellness. Schedule an appointment today to discover the many ways your acupuncturist can help you.

Yang Institute of Integrative Medicine Offers Acupuncture Treatment for Anxiety

Yang Institute of Integrative Medicine treats mind, body, and spirit through the amalgamation of Eastern and Western medicine. One of their most popular treatments is acupuncture in South Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania. Their acupuncture treatments can focalize on treating a variety of ailments, and they are especially useful when managing anxiety in Bryn Mawr, PA

The holistic practitioners at Yang Institute of Integrative Medicine aim to rebalance their patients’ energy, or Qi, by restoring the flow between different Zang Organs and the heart, which is believed, in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), to house emotions and an individual’s spirit. When there is an interruption in different organs such as the lungs or kidneys, anxious feelings can be triggered and begin to induce unsettling emotions. Acupuncture is meant to target these organs and restore the pathways between them and a person’s spirit.

Yang Institute of Integrative Medicine has a long history of treating patients with a time-honored synthesis of eastern and western medicine. They offer acupuncture for weight loss in Bryn Mawr, PA as well as acupuncture back pain treatments in Marlton, NJ and surrounding areas.

Researchers have been studying the effectiveness of acupuncture in recent years, and the results of this research have proven to be promising. Many different studies have displayed a positive correlation between acupuncture and the reduction of anxious feelings, stress, and even clinical depression.

The Yang Institute of Integrative Medicine has its own share of success stories where patients have experienced a significant reduction in anxiety and other ailments as a result of holistic methodologies acupuncture implementation. These affections can include, but are not limited to migraines, nausea, and various sources of bodily pain. To learn more about the Yang Institute of Integrative Medicine and the services they provide, give us a call.

About Yang Institute of Integrative Medicine:

Yang Institute of Integrative Medicine combines the best methods of Western and Eastern medicine to help their patients achieve health and wellness. The center operates with a highly-skilled group of holistic integrative medicine experts, including board-certified psychologists, psychiatrists, nutrition specialists, meditation specialists, counselors and licensed acupuncturists. Every treatment begins with a comprehensive evaluation to determine an approach that will help find and assess the root of health problems in order to improve one’s quality of life.

Please visit Yang Institute of Integrative Medicine to find out more.

Balance Your Energy with Anxiety-Focused Acupuncture

In traditional Chinese medicine, we relate anxiety disorders back to an imbalance of energy, or Qi, which we believe to be derived from the Zang Organs. The Zang Organs all come back to the heart, which stores the spirit (emotions) and can be affected by any Zang Organ imbalance. Anxiety disorders generally come from the kidneys, which produce fear, or the lungs for general anxiety. When the flow of Qi between these organs and the heart is interrupted, the result is an unbalanced, anxiety-ridden emotional state.

As a way to combat this imbalance for people with anxiety in Bryn Mawr, PA, we offer integrative acupuncture solutions. With our acupuncture treatments, we will restore your energy/Qi’s ability to flow within the Zang Organs and restore emotional balance.

The Research

In recent years, there have been numerous studies assessing the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating anxiety disorders. Studies from The Anxiety and Depression Association of America have shown that there is a strong positive correlation between the use of acupuncture and the treatment anxiety disorders.

Another study in 2015, while small, displayed the functionality of acupuncture over 12 weeks on individuals who had a negative or neutral reaction to traditional psychotherapy or medication. The participants showed a significant reduction in anxiety in relation to the acupuncture treatments up to 10 weeks after the study was complete

Success Stories

While research is excellent at signifying the potential applications of a procedure for a specific issue, it’s easy to still feel skeptical about a methodology that is traditionally non-Western. You don’t need to hear it from us. Here’s what one of our patients said about our therapies:

  • “My life has become calmer, my mind sharper, and my creativity more abounding.” – Christine

We’ve had many patients with stories similar to Christine. With our implementation of an acupuncture regiment, you too can experience the immense benefits of a clearer mind, diminished symptoms of anxiety, and a rebalanced energy/Qi.

Get Acupuncture for Anxiety at Yang Institute of Intergrative Medicine

If you’re looking for acupuncture in South Jersey to treat your anxiety disorder and balance your energy/Qi, we can provide you with comprehensive and effective services. Curious about our other integrative medicine services? Continue browsing our website or give us a call today. We’re looking forward to helping you proactively move toward wellness.

Physical & Mental Benefits of Pairing Acupuncture and Mindfulness

Yang Institute of Integrative Medicine has a long history of treating patients with a time-honored synthesis of eastern and western medicine. They offer acupuncture for weight loss in Bryn Mawr, PA as well as acupuncture back pain treatments in Marlton, NJ and surrounding areas. This video highlights the benefits of pairing acupuncture and mindfulness techniques to increase effectiveness of treatments. The benefits showcased in this video include reducing anxiety, reducing depression, and reducing pain. To learn more about acupuncture or integrative medicine or to schedule an appointment, please visit Yang Integrative Institute of Medicine

Combining Mindfulness with Integrative Medicine to Improve Mental and Physical Health

Throughout the United States, millions of people struggle with various mental and physical health problems every single day. These health issues may be traced back to a variety of sources and can be the result of numerous imbalances that people may not even be aware of. There are numerous treatment options for imbalance-related issues, ranging from prescription drug treatments to integrative medicine. One treatment enhancement option that people tend not to immediately think of when trying to fix a health issue is mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of being fully aware of the present moment and accepting your place for what it is. To be more mindful, people use various techniques including meditation, breathing practices, t’ai chi, yoga, prayer, and the iteration of mantras. Often, people find these various mindfulness techniques useful because they can be practiced virtually everywhere and at their own pace.

Integrating Mindfulness

The best way to develop a habit is to start doing it every single day. Of course, this isn’t always something that’s easy to do. We all have schedules; we all have lifestyles and routines that we are used to living within. Setting time aside to start developing a new habit such as meditation or yoga doesn’t always work for everyone, so here are a few ways that you can integrate mindfulness in your daily life without compromising your routine:

  • 1. Be Conscious of Your Emotions – Be aware of how you are feeling in any moment. Say to yourself something like, “I feel stressed” and then list reasons why you may feel this way. Listing the reasons out allows you to take inventory of what needs to be done, which may take you out of the present moment. To bring yourself back, remind yourself that you will complete your tasks when the time to do so is readily available.
  • 2. Focus On Your Breathing – Breathing techniques are an age-old technique in the mindfulness community. Regulating your breathing will calm you down and slow down a busy head. Counting the number of seconds between breaths can help you develop a rhythm and allow you to find presence in this action.
  • 3. Recognize Your Surroundings – One of the most effective ways to incorporate mindfulness into one’s life is to take moments out of the day to acknowledge your surroundings. Whether this takes place in your car, at the office, or on a walk through your neighborhood, by actively thinking about your place in the world in a given moment, you can experience a greater connectivity between your mind and body. Use this method during acupuncture or TMS treatments to reduce stress and create a better environment for healing to take place.

Benefits of Mindfulness Paired with Integrative Medicine

Mindfulness can be beneficial for everyone, but when used with integrative medicine, the results can be exponential. Here at Yang Institute of Integrative Medicine, we offer a wide variety of services including acupuncture for back pain in Marlton, New Jersey and the Greater Philadelphia area and other traditional medical processes such as moxibustion and Chinese Herbal Medicine.

Mindfulness alone has a wide range of benefits on both mental and physical health. Mindfulness has been linked to decreases in stress and anxiety and even has been shown to have physical benefits as well, such as decreasing blood pressure. We offer therapies such as TMS Therapy, and acupuncture for fertility in Bryn Mawr, PA and surrounding locations that, when paired with mindfulness, can have significant benefits.

During an acupuncture session, try the aforementioned mindfulness techniques for increased effectiveness. Be conscious of how the acupuncture is affecting your emotions and your body. Embrace these feelings. Breathe; and let the procedure work with you.

Schedule a Session

Try to incorporate mindfulness into your next integrative medicine session with us at Yang Institute. To learn more about the services we provide or to schedule an acupuncture treatment session, call us at 215-259-5831 or contact us online.

Eliminating Loneliness Symptoms with Groundbreaking TMS Therapy

In today’s world, we are as connected as we’ve ever been through our phones, social media, smart devices, and other forms of digital communication. However, where online connectivity has thrived, traditional human-to-human interaction has steadily declined, leaving an astonishing percentage of Americans to deal with loneliness-induced depression. As the impact of loneliness throughout the country nears epidemic levels, psychologists from all backgrounds and fields of study have sought new ways to treat the symptoms without relying on prescription medication.

At the Yang Institute of Integrative Medicine, our wellness professionals have begun to explore some of these new methods for treating loneliness-induced depression in Bryn Mawr and across the Greater Philadelphia Area. One of today’s most promising treatments for depression brought on by loneliness is transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS. This treatment is a completely non-invasive alternative to traditional medications aimed at treating depression. However, the key to the success of TMS comes from the fact that it helps to not just treat symptoms, but reverse those operations in the brain which cause adverse feelings of depression and loneliness.

By the NumbersIn a recent study performed by Cigna, researchers uncovered some haunting statistics related to loneliness in the United States:

  • Almost one half of adults in the U.S. report feeling occasional or persistent loneliness.
  • More than 40% of American adults at least occasionally feel that their relationships are not meaningful.
  • Only one half of adults in the U.S. report having meaningful social interactions on a daily basis.
  • 27% of American adults rarely feel understood by others.

These figures show just how pervasive the problem of loneliness is in the U.S. and how crucial it is that we find effective new treatments for the depression caused by it. While there are numerous factors which play into the cause of loneliness, some of the most common include:

  • Too little OR too much sleep
  • Less time than desired OR more time than desired spent with family and friends
  • Too much OR too little exercise
  • Too much OR too little time spent at work

A Promising Solution Regrettably, what we, as a society, know about loneliness-induced depression has expanded over the years with very little in the way of a cure or treatment. However, in just the last few years, TMS therapy has shown not just effective, but exciting results in patients across the country. The therapy involves sending a range of magnetic pulses to activate portions of the brain which have minimal activity and play a role in causing depression. By stimulating these areas of the brain, TMS therapy can actually help to reverse the brain’s natural response to stimuli and lay the groundwork for full remission. .

If you are suffering from depression in South Jersey, Bryn Mawr, or the surrounding areas and would like to explore an alternative to prescription medications, contact the Yang Institute of Integrative Medicine today. We can provide the ideal synthesis of Eastern and Western wellness practices to reduce depression and allow patients to lead happier, healthier lives.

3 Ways Veterans Can Benefit From Acupuncture Treatments

As the amount of research and awareness surrounding complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) increases, so do its applications across a wide range of demographics and locations throughout America. Up until recently, one may have been surprised by the prospect of veterans using things like yoga and acupuncture to manage their pain after service has ended. However, that is precisely the case due to the many ways in which veterans can benefit physically and emotionally from practices in Eastern medicine.

Yang Institute of Integrative Medicine has partnered with the Veterans Affairs in Philadelphia to provide free acupuncture sessions to those who qualify for the Veterans Choice Program, which allows vets to receive VA-covered healthcare from non-VA facilities. The VA’s adoption of coverage for acupuncture offers vets an array of benefits, including:

Physical Pain Relief Possibly the most well-known use of acupuncture is its ability to treat persistent physical pain and discomfort. Veterans who are in the recovery process from an injury sustained during their service can use acupuncture to ease things like pain from nerve damage, which is notably difficult to treat. Additionally, the non-invasive nature of acupuncture makes it an area worth exploring for those who have tried numerous other medications and treatments with limited success.

PTSD Treatment A lesser-known benefit of acupuncture comes from its ability to reduce anxiety and emotional stress. In Chinese medicine, the concept of Qi represents the vital energy in the body which either flows freely or experiences blockages. In many cases, veterans have residual emotional discomfort from their time serving that can cause long-term mental health issues. Acupuncture helps to release blocked energy, or Qi, in the body and create a relaxed and stress-free sensation.

Effective Alternative to Pharmaceuticals One of the biggest problems facing veterans today is the overprescription of opioids and other pharmaceuticals as treatment for physical pain or PTSD. While these types of pharmacological solutions may be helpful from the outset, they often result in mental or physical dependence, making the problem even worse. Through its ability to relieve physical pain and reduce stress levels, acupuncture has shown to be an effective alternative for veterans in need.

Learn More If you are a veteran in the Greater Philadelphia Area and would like to learn more about acupuncture sessions at Yang Institute, reach out to your local VA office today. They can set up an appointment with Yang for a range of CAM therapies, such as acupuncture, TMS treatment, or neurofeedback sessions in Marlton, NJ. Call today to learn more.

Freedom from Pain: An Integrative Approach

Acupuncture Clinic in East Falls

As the nation continues to struggle with the opioid epidemic, many care providers are turning to an integrative approach to chronic pain. By either substituting or supplementing conventional opioid medications with non-drug therapies like acupuncture and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), medical professionals can often treat chronic pain more effectively. Besides lessening patients’ dependence on opioids, these therapies can also alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression. When incorporated into an integrative treatment strategy, acupuncture and TMS may accomplish results that prescription drugs cannot currently achieve on their own.

What Defines an Integrative Approach?

The National Institutes of Health describe integrative health care as an approach that synthesizes complementary medical treatments and therapies to improve a patient’s health and well-being. This form of medicine may sometimes, but not always, still involve prescription drugs. Most often, however, integrative approaches to medicine involve non-drug therapies and practices. After conducting much research, organizations ranging from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)[3] to the American College of Physicians  and the Veterans Health Administration have recommended integrative approaches to pain management.

Acupuncture in Integrative Health Care

The body of research attesting to acupuncture’s effectiveness in treating chronic pain and fatigue continues to grow every day. As a provider of acupuncture therapy for back pain in Bryn Mawr and surrounding areas, we are deeply familiar with the wide range of benefits this treatment can provide. Besides offering a powerful non-drug therapy for pain, acupuncture also proves effective in the treatment of stress, depression, and other mood disorders. Research has also shown that positive emotion possesses a strong role in pain management[6], making acupuncture an even more potent treatment for chronic pain.

TMS in Integrative Health Care

At Yang Institute, we regularly incorporate TMS therapy in our treatment of patients that struggle with substance use, depression, and anxiety. Although TMS has not yet been approved by the FDA for the treatment of chronic pain, its ability to mitigate and alleviate mood disorders can help patients manage pain more effectively.[7] TMS remains an up-and-coming therapy with a growing body of research supporting its many benefits.

Integrative Medicine: The Eastern Way

In his book, Facing East, Dr. Jingduan Yang writes extensively about the benefits of integrative medicine. In fact, he notes that the Chinese approach to medicine embodies this philosophy: “Integrative medicine in the West frequently means borrowing from the best practices of different cultures . . . But from the perspective of Chinese medicine, this term really means integrating the care of one’s physiological, psychological, and spiritual health.”

When we treat conditions like anxiety at our Bryn Mawr, PA, Marlton, NJ, or NYC locations, we take every aspect of the patient’s health into consideration. To learn more about Yang Institute of Integrative Medicine or to schedule an appointment, call or contact us online today.


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